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There is only ONE perfect and MOST beautiful child in the world….And EVERY MOTHER has him/her.

Updated: Jul 16, 2021

A few years ago.. there was a post doing its rounds in Facebook … various challenges…

Whereas some were nice… some were funny… some were a real challenge on the face….


Some were really disturbing.

I am writing this note .. as I had felt it deep inside..

I have no intentions of hurting anyone’s sentiments/feelings… in any way.

I was being tagged along with many other moms for a certain post "blessed to be a mom"..

which had disturbed me a lot...

The post had created quite a sensation it seems...


Have anybody thought about the fact that there many women who have the strong desire to be a mother but cannot be for some medical issues..

They are no less than moms..

They do not lack motherliness..

or kindness or are heartless...

but surely are hit directly in the heart to see such posts and also 'like' them least others think otherwise...

To be or not to be a mother is a matter of choice now -a -days.. some women despise the thought of being a mother because of all the hard work... time and energy put behind to bring up a child...

THAT ... IS ... a lot of work...

a LOT of change ..

a LOT of sacrifice...

a LOT of compromise...

a LOT of commitment..

a LOT of dedication..

a LOT of sleepless nights...

a LOT of bodily changes....

a LOT of patience....

a LOT of giving up of ME time…

a LOT... even more of staying confused and mad…

a LOT of mess… in your house and inside your head…

a LOT of cleaning … of poop and puke…

a LOT of running around in rags…

a LOT of making you want to pull out your own hair… !

a LOT of losing your cool…

a LOT of going crazy….

Being a mother is definitely NOT a joke...

Being a mother is not a joke...


And ENJOY every bit and drop of it...

And there are some women who hire help/ helps/ aaya/ nanny... to do all these with a steep price... and enjoy being a woman rather than being a mother...

They send their babies in a day-care to 'take rest'... or have their own way.... well.. nothing wrong...

I consider them smart.. these women have actually created many new job opportunities…



Huge variety of Nannies/ maids


Associated accessories…

Online portals…


Just name it… the list will be long..

The point is… you can be the ...


Or the FANCY BABY DOLL mother…

Being a mother and to post a pic of mom and baby might be just a click away....


BEING a mother is NOT a click away...

Please stop throwing challenges like this and have some sympathy for those mothers who did not get the chance to be a FOOL....

Being a mother of two kids have made me realize a lot regarding life after having kids…

Being a mother … is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had…

Being a mother… is about dealing with fears you didn’t know existed…

Being a mother… you are eternally exhausted…

Being a mother… is a choice you make .. every single day .... put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own.

Being a mother… is to do the right thing.. even when you are not sure what the right thing is.

Being a mother… is being sorry over and over again for doing everything wrong…maybe…

Being a mother… is living a continuous struggle of being a perfect mom..

Being a mother… is being on war foot 24*7*365 days… no leave.. no salary… no rest…

Being a mother… is being a cook, nanny, therapist, driver, teacher, photographer,

manager, Nurse, alarm clock, wrestler, handyman,

security guard, hairdresser, personal assistant, referee, waitress, maid….

All in one person… MOM !

Not the least to mention… Being a Real Mother…. Is like being…

Emotional… yet Rock.

Tired… but keeps going.

Worried… but full of hope.

Impatient… Yet Patient

Overwhelmed… but never quits.

Wonderful… even in the chaos.


Motherhood is all about you tea or coffee getting cold…

…is about your sleeping kid being your new Happy Hour…

…and you have absolutely no idea what to do with the happy time…

… is about when going to the grocery store … ALONE… feels like a vacation !

… is about… when you can go to pee alone without having to answer from inside….

… To the question… “ Mamma… what are you doing inside..”

Motherhood…. Is not a challenge my friend…. It is the toughest job on earth… Its all about


Patience… when a toddler is stubborn that she will tie her own shoe lace… ..

Patience… when the toddler will try to explain herself… that’s.. ETERNITY…

Patience… when the toddler will want to eat her food… and the entire house is her dining table..

Patience… when whatever they have to show.. they will shove it right in front of your CORNEA !!!

Patience… when they are continuously blabbering at night…

talking like a drunk…

asking for water

singing nursery rhymes in a strange language…

and then suddenly snoring !

Patience… when communicating with a toddler is like….

To explain what number 5 smells like !

Patience… when you actually see and read the thought behind the looks…


Patience….. is when you have to toggle between MUTE and METALLICA !

Patience… is when you share you bed with a drunk octopus looking for its car keys !!

Patience… when they bring you just to the BRINK of INSANITY…

Before gently easing you off the ledge…

With a sweet smile… a kiss.. and a laughter….


To sum up all… MY friends… who are throwing Challenges…

Motherhood is the
of being another person’s everything.


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